Let’s face it, as a Scholastican you will find yourself in tight, challenging situations, and that might be hard to get out of on your own. In times like this, a helping hand is pretty much a gift from above. The following people mentioned in this article can be of great help to you if you can convince them to take your side.
The School Khala
Let’s say you are in a hurry. You were on your break time playing some football, maybe hanging out with your friends and then, you take a look at the clock and realize, that you are way past lunch, but you didn’t hear the bell. And so you start frantically running to the staircase closest to you only to see that a khala is on her duty guarding the stairs. Now here is where the friendship is going to give you an advantage. If you have maintained a friendly relationship with the khala, she may consider your case and will let you go up the staircase, saving your time and helping you reach the class before the teacher. If you had not maintained a friendly relation with the khala, she would not let you use that staircase, and you would probably hear an earful while trying to negotiate, a scold from the teacher, or a pleasant little visit to the supervisor.
The Librarian
It’s a sunny day, and it’s like a hundred degrees outside, and so you would not want to stay out in the sweltering heat, would you? So, your best option to stay chill and have a pleasant conversation with your friends is probably the nicely air-conditioned library. Now, we all know the rules at the library. In other words, each section is allowed to go to the library on a specific day of the week. If it’s not the day your class is allowed to go to the library, your only hope to get a chance to stay inside the library is the librarian. Maintain a friendly relationship with the librarian for possibly a permit for you to stay at the library, even though it’s not your day, or get ready to face the heat.

The PED Teacher
Even though all faculty members are incredible, sports teachers always hold a special place in your hearts. If you are a student at Scholastica, you already know why making friends with PED teachers is helpful. So you’re bored, and you want to play some sports with your friends, but the problem is, all the pieces of equipment like the ball, badminton racket, etc. are in the storeroom and the only way to get your hands on them, is to get permission from any PED teacher. Now if you have maintained a friendly relation with the PED teacher… well you know where I’m going with this. Also having an amicable relationship with the PED teachers can help you get opportunities for tryouts for sports teams. Well, who does not want to bag those trophies, right?
The Events Office
Let’s say you want to launch an event as a senior, and you need help coaxing the authorities. Maybe it just a proposal, the certificates or a lean way with club projects- the Events office is your new best friend. Please give yourself a head start and get introduced to our outstanding faculty. First off, don’t forget to establish yourself a responsible student in their eyes. Secondly, have fun with them.
The Supervisor
So you are in some trouble, and you have to pay a visit to the supervisor. If you have maintained a good relationship with the supervisor, she may let you go off with a warning or give you a small lecture. If you haven’t kept a good relation, get ready to face the student affairs or maybe a call to your parents.

The School Nurse
‘Carry a note from your teacher if you want to go to the sickroom.’ Injury or no injury, everyone loves to take a nap in the sickroom once in a while. Well, a note for a nap might be troublesome to secure. If you have maintained a friendly relationship with the nurse, she may allow you to enter the sickroom one or two times without the teacher’s note and boom! It’s nap time.
In conclusion, the waters at Scholastica aren’t always an easy tide; sometimes you might find yourself navigating through a storm. Get yourself acquainted with these gems to make your life a lot easier. Trust me; we don’t do false propaganda here at the Stallions!
Written By: Aaryan Aayan Ali
Edited By: Gazi Sharita Fairooz