It was a cold night in early December. I was driving my car and could barely see even with headlights on as the fog began to billow into a great grey mass across the road. An avalanche of thoughts conquered my mind when a couple in their mid 20’s suddenly came to my notice. They were sitting on the same bench, under the street lamps which we once used to share.
I remember how I used to warm my hands by putting them in your coat’s pocket. I inhaled the icy air which carried with it the minty smell of your perfume. I still remember you used to decide new nicknames for me according to new seasons and that day you set my name to “Snow Bunny”.
The clouds which masked the moon are moving with me. We are still under the same sky but not the same place. Somebody else is sharing the bench under the silent moon instead of us. We used to share headphones and listen to our favorite songs. You are listening to my favorite songs but this time with someone else. Please do not let another girl put her hands into your coat’s pocket because that will hurt my hand. Please do not share this bench with another girl because I do not want the memories to fade away. Please keep your hands warm by sitting beside the fire because I’m not there with you to kiss your hands and warm them. I still remember our first hug and I did not want to let go of you that time. Even now, after all these years, I can feel your heart which was racing when you pulled me and wrapped me with your coat. Still do not know was it your heart that was racing or mine?
Spring arrived soon and the trees smiled brighter than ever before as they wore clothes of new leaves, but my smile faded away even more. I have stopped going skiing and ice skating because when I fall, you are too busy offering a hand to another girl.
Perhaps at some point, we became like the crunchy autumn leaves which were perched on the brink of winter’s desolation. Perhaps just like the depths of misty winter, bitterness crept closer towards us and ardency sequestered away. Except that unlike you, winter will return in the years to come. After all, who are we to break destiny’s silence?
Amidst the profound stillness, a farewell ballad whistled into my ears as I bid you the final goodbye.